Not prepared for this shock
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We were, certainly, not prepared for this shock
We were not prepared for these shocking modern scientific revelations, anyway (who was?)
Neither was the Roman Catholic Church, the guardian of “Truth” in Creation matters according to Genesis in the Bible. So they attacked after the shock of disbelief came and an unwelcome upset of the official Catholic Roman Church establishment. After the shock, they set up to find the culprits, fast. Of course aside form Galileo, they found quite a few. Since torture was legal then the Roman Church believed they had the “truth” to defend.“ The Church believed this was a totally justified persecution in defense of “truth” against charlatans of science, (o sort of dogmatic claims and perhaps of witchcraft in the 1500 in Italy). So the Church was self-appointed harbingers of the old truth. They set out to crush them all right. All of them and fast, The “Holy” Inquisition for the “Defense of the Sacred Doctrine” was established in Rome. The heretics not only were “ex-communicated” (deprived from communion) but they were sort of sent to “hell” or to rot in the gutter. Accused of blasphemy damns lies, and attacking the Bible, the Pope and Rome. These high ranking Roman Catholic authorities, believed legitimately, (in the 1500sin Italy and Spain) they has all the right to fight demons, blasphemous and charlatan “sages” who were attacking “the sacred” elevated truth, written or centuries in the Bible. Science was very young endeavor then, with no prestige at all, a clever but innocent experiment culturally speaking, but had been recently born The experimental method, was charted by Galileo then and developed much later. Although Galileo was forced to recant then, science was an early bud, to find painfully its own way, aside from the “official” truth of the Roman Catholic Church. So the story and history goes. During the ruling of Pope John Paul II, somewhat before year 2.000, Galileo was rehabilitated of his “lies” and the Roman Church apologized some five centuries later, for this cultural, “mistake.”
To be continued next week
Etiquetas: Guardians of truth