Money never sleeps?
This is the name of a current movie. Of course, money never sleeps because if we are striving for maximizing profits it seems the right thing to do. However there is a take here.
Because nature does sleep or shall we say, rest.
The planet turns and the so called circadian rhythms happen all the time: night and day. The seasons also happen also in an orderly fashion. So in wintertime some people and animals rest. Hibernation by animals is a reflection of this. Some animals hardly move during the winter season, many just metabolize at a very low rate and even their breathing and heart rate slow down.
So seasons, for millions of years, do matter. In spring most people celebrate, have festivals and get happy, again. People can violate natural rhythms we do get uncomfortable consequences: insomnia, panic attacks, high levels of stress, mood swing deteriorating relationships. This is no ones fault.
Some people seem to take more responsibilities or jobs that they can manage. So they become over stretched. Then when fear and anxiety seem to get overwhelming, they drink alcohol heavily. Others, when panic of failure looms near, they go on drugs to apparently kill this fear and feel powerful, al least for a few minutes. Of course, this is no solution, one becomes dependent on alcohol or drugs, and now there are these other issues to face.
So there is no need to overwork either, We wont pay more bills because we might have more money. We might certainly ruin our health. Nature doesn’t, accumulate, we can hoard money or things, in the “good” times there is a little surplus for the “bad” times of scarcity, cold or a little hunger.
Etiquetas: Sleep