At the Camp
At the Camp—a Young Girl’s Account
“I am very satisfied that fate has picked on me with such anger” she said to me. “Before I came here [to the camp] I was a very spoiled girl and didn’t carry on with my spiritual duties.” Then pointing to the window of the detention camp, she showed me a tree and said to me: "That tree is the only friend I have in this solitude.” Across the window there was a beautiful chestnut tree and in that branch there were two new buds. “Many times I talk to the tree,” she said.
I was bewildered; I didn’t know how to understand her words. Was she hallucinating? Was she crazy? With great anxiety I asked the girl if the tree spoke back to her. She simply said: “Yes, it does” And what does the tree say?—I asked. She said, “the tree says: "I am here, I am life, and I am eternal life”
Viktor Frankl
“Man in Search of Meaning”
Prisoner Concentration Camp Survivor
Austrian Psychiatrist, founder of Logo therapy.
Let me explain this equation [in human terms]:
D = S - M
Despair = Suffering minus Meaning
They can turn their suffering into achievements
If your suffering has a meaning then you can bear anything.
Viktor Frankl
Etiquetas: Suffering
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