Alivio y Crecer / Relief and Growth
We care and are part of a worldwide community to alleviate hardship. We publish once a week
Acerca de mí
- Nombre: Gustavo Jimenez Lagos
- Ubicación: Santiago, Chile South America, Chile
Great Eastern Sun- Is my Tibetan name Lived and educated in Chile and the USA. Strong background in compared cultures and mindfulness
Previous Posts
- NOWNESS / EL MOMENTO PRESENTEIf we miss nowness we...
- S O B R E V I V I RC O N A L E G R I A Y...
- Fortaleza“The self-assured strength comes from kno...
- Gentleness - Cordialidad"Beign aggressive, you ca...
- Donde hay Armonía hay Riqueza. Where there is harm...
- Cultuyra Empresarial Japonesa
- Alivio y Crecer
- Aprendiendo en la RedVideo sobre como aprender a h...
- Aprendizaje y Emocion
- Amor en un mundo imperfecto: Los Simpson
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